Denver Christmases (entry for 12/25/2024) Wherever we were at Christmas Time in Colorado during my child and teenage years, we always ended up in Denver on or near Christmas Day. And especially Christmas night. (Not ‘Eve.’ Night. The 25 th itself.) We would drive from wherever we were staying that day to the City Center, and park, however far the parking spot was from where we were going. And no matter the weather. Because there was something we had to see. (There’s a modern photo of it at the head of this post.) Denver is one of the few cities I know of that is not in a county. It is the county. The City and County of Denver is one single governmental body and it does double duty, as its name implies. (I believe the same situation applies in San Francisco, California, and those are the only two examples I have ever heard of.) The government building of the combined body is called the City and County Building (for some strange reason!) and it is located at ...